Sunday, 17 October 2010


We visited the location where we plan to create our movie trailer. This is so we develop an understanding of what we have to work with so that we can produce a story board that fits in with the location. Visiting this location also helped us with ideas and the plot of the trailer. Actually being there, made our imagination flow, so we were able to create a gripping, interesting, horror trailer.

Here is our location. Its an unused water tower. This is perfect for what we want to capture as its surrounded by trees and is secluded in a public garden. It has a Gothic look about it, which is linked into the horror genre and the surrounding trees and feeling of isolation links to what the target audience want to view, and reflects what they feel is frightening.

The water tower is surrounded by bushes and trees, which may add an inconvenience, but at night fall the rustling of leaves or the snap of branches adds tension and atmosphere to the trailer. Also they will create shadows, which always play on the audiences minds, as they are anticipating something to happen.

There is a cove, or what use to be a door in the water tower. This is now blocked up, but could be the perfect setting for a predator to approach his vunerable prey, who may happen to be walking past.

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