Wednesday, 27 October 2010


Before starting the creation of our trailer, it was important to establish who our target audience is so we can create our trailer to cater to their needs. As we are doing a horror film, we have decided that our film is going to be rated as a 15. This immediately determines the minimal age of our target audience which will be age 15 and above and our age bracket will be 15-35. In relation to gender, the film will be targeted at both males and females as most films of the horror genre will appeal to both sexes.

The type of people who would be interested in watching horror films will be those looking to get an adrenaline rush and who enjoy the shocking parts of the film. The suspense build up is a factor which draws the audience to this particular genre. They may be interested in things such as extreme sport, they do anything to get that rush or other people may be interested in crime and the psychology that makes a person do twisted things. Movies interest people for a sense of escapism from everyday life and horrors give that to the extreme. It plays on the aspects of life we see as never happening to us, its things we dream about and never are seen to be a reality. The audience likes to be shocked and as they leave the cinema, or turn off the DVD player they enjoy the feeling of relief that they don't have to go through that, but feel the need and are happy, to feel apart of it for a short period of time, knowing they are safe from it.

The modernist social group would appeal to our film/ film trailer as they are people who strive to view the new and interesting. They are up-to-date and so feel the need to view any new films, read any new magazines and keep on top of the current 'look'. Our film trailer, poster and magazine front cover, would be viewed by them as they feel pressured to keep current with the media world and so anything recently released would hail them in, especially if the trailer is modern and there are aspects of originality and it gives the feel of something fresh.

In order to collect some more information about our target audience and to understand directly how they feel about horror films and the horror genre, we decided to do a questionnaire. This way we can look at the information collected and relate our trailer directly to the audience's needs. We will give the questionnaires to both male and female within the age bracket of 15-35, to hopefully achieve a diverse collection of data, but one that benefits us greatly, and guides us with the production of our products.

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